Michele Quan


Michele Quan designs and sculpts handmade ceramic art & objects for the home and garden. Many of the objects and images are rooted in the visual symbols of Eastern iconography- their meaning and beauty of which she is continuously in awe. Her work is an ongoing attempt to articulate that wonder.

Ceramic forms are built by hand, wheel thrown, or slip cast in stoneware and porcelain. All original models for slip cast work are hand sculpted and images are painted by hand. Other materials used include hand-dyed cotton, hemp rope and reclaimed wood. All work is made and assembled in New York City.

Originally from Vancouver Canada, Michele moved to New York City in 1984 to study graphic design & photography at Parsons School of Design. Twelve years prior to embarking on her current medium of clay, she co-founded the NYC jewelry company Me&Ro. Her work continues an ongoing pursuit to bring visual form to the thread that connects us with the experience of the world in which we live. Michele works out of her studio in Brooklyn and lives in NYC with her husband, daughter and dog, Sparrow.